
Craniosacral Therapy

This hands-on treatment, applied through the clothes, is based around the gentle and natural motions of fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, which influence the whole body. 

The treatment is non-invasive and can be used to work with patients in pain, with stress or emotional problems, headaches, migraines or problems following a traumatic birth experience. 

Aside from working with specific presentations, Craniosacral Therapy is a modality that can be used to help re-balance and restore the system entirety.  It is a modality that can help us make a connect with our somatic experience.  It is this connection in conjunction with mindful presence that provides a platform for change to be brought about.

Cranial sutures are the joins between the cranial bones in the skull.  When we are born, these bones are not yet fused.  As we develop over time, these sutures begin to fuse - some in our very early years and others not until adulthood.  There is understanding that these sutures can be impacted both by forces at birth and by other impacts on the body during our early and later years.  Craniosacral therapy works to free compounded patterns the movements in our skeletal, muscular, facial and fluid systems.

I work with people during pregnancy, in the perinatal time (around birth), and in the immediate and ongoing experience of postpartum. In addition to working with adults, I am also open to working with babies to support them as they too process the experience of being born and support the completion of any residual processes that are still keen to take place. Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle modality and thus safe and ideal for the sensitive system of a newborn.